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Timeline of Taipei Metro's Establishment of "Family Areas" in Cars and Themed Trains

2015: "Family Areas" are discussed and approved.
In order to provide a friendlier environment for families, expectant mothers, and passengers with strollers as well as to promote an educational entertainment atmosphere, Taipei Metro decides to establish "Family Areas" in metro cars following proposals from public opinion representatives and discussions amongst experts, scholars, and competent authorities. Spanning the area from the 4th door of the 3rd car to the 1st door of the 4th car, Family Areas comprise of a total of 24 seats. The concept is approved by Taipei City Government on September 8, 2015, with the Songshan-Xindian Line selected for trial runs.

2015: First Family Area trial runs launch on the Songshan-Xindian Line.
Windows and partitions located in Family Areas are decorated with themed stickers labeled in both Chinese and English.

2016: Family Areas are expanded to the Tamsui-Xinyi Line.

2017: Family-themed trains make their debut.
"A Trip to Taipei Children's Amusement Park with Maji Meow" family-themed train launches on the Tamsui-Xinyi Line.

2018: "Underwater World" family-themed train is revealed.
"Underwater World" themed train launches in collaboration with the Taipei Children's Amusement Park's Summer Coloring Contest.

2019: "Starry Summer Night Sky" family-themed train is revealed.
"Starry Summer Night Sky" themed train launches in collaboration with the Taipei Children's Amusement Park's Summer Passport event.

2019: Family Areas are expanded to the Bannan Line.

2020: "Explore the Forest" family-themed train is revealed.
"Explore the Forest" themed train launches together with the Taipei Children's Amusement Park's one-day pass wristbands.

2021: "A Little Dinosaur's Adventure" family-themed train is revealed.
"A Little Dinosaur's Adventure" themed train launches alongside the Taipei Children's Amusement Park's One-Day Passes and Insect Kingdom exhibit.

2022: Family Areas are expanded to the Zhonghe-Xinlu Line.

2022: "Treasure Hunt Adventure" family-themed train is revealed.
"Treasure Hunt Adventure" themed train launches to offer an enjoyable travel environment to parents and children.

2023: "Polar Exploration" family-themed train launches on the Bannan Line.

2023: "Family Areas are now installed in 140 of Taipei Metro’s high-capacity trains.

2024: "Let's Go Camping” family-themed train launches on the Tamsui-Xinyi Line.
"Let's Go Camping” themed train features the topic of camping to evoke a harmonious outdoorsy atmosphere. Camping terms are shown in both Chinese and English, allowing for education through entertainment.

Annual Themed Trains

2017: "A Trip to Taipei Children's Amusement Park with Maji Meow"

2017: A Trip to Taipei Children's Amusement Park with Maji Meow

2018: "Underwater World"

2018: Underwater World

2019: "Starry Summer Night Sky"

2019: Starry Summer Night Sky

2020: "Explore the Forest"

2020: Explore the Forest

2020: Explore the Forest

2020: Explore the Forest

2021: "A Little Dinosaur's Adventure"

2021: A Little Dinosaur's Adventure

2022: "Treasure Hunt Adventure"

2022: Treasure Hunt Adventure

2023: "Polar Exploration"

2023: Polar Exploration

2024: "Let's Go Camping"

2024: Let's Go Camping

Themed Stickers for "Family Areas"

* Fruits and Vegetables:
茄子Eggplant、蘋果Apple、地瓜Sweet potato、草莓Strawberry、香菇Mushroom

Fruits and Vegetables

* Manners
戴口罩Wear a surgical mask if you’re experiencing respiratory syndromes.
勿倚靠Please do not lean against the pole.
多禮讓Pleaser remove your backpack and hold it by hand when inside the trains.
不佔位Don't take up seats with your stuff.
少低頭Don't block the way when absorbed by your pone.


*Taipei Children's Amusement Park:
小火車Choo choo train、冰淇淋Ice cream、旋轉木馬Carousel、爆米花Popcorn、碰碰車Bumper cars

Taipei Children's Amusement Park

*Underwater World:
船boat、鯨魚whale、海龜sea turtle、潛水diving

Underwater World

桌球Table tennis、羽球Badminton、籃球Basketball、曲棍球Hockey




* Transportation:
輪船ship、火車train、高速鐵路high-speed rail、捷運metro


* Festivals:
中秋節Moon Festival、萬聖節Halloween、聖誕節Christmas、兒童節Children's Day


* Pandemic Prevention:
常消毒Disinfect often、量體溫Check your temperature、勤洗手Wash your hands often、不摸眼口鼻Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth、保持距離Practice social distancing、不交談Refrain from talking、戴口罩Wear a mask、多運動Exercise more

Pandemic Prevention

鬱金香Tulip、牽牛花Morning glory、杜鵑花Azalea、百合花Lily、康乃馨Carnation、玫瑰花Rose、向日葵Sunflower、仙人掌Cactus


醫生Doctor、音樂家Musician、老師Teacher、廚師Chef、警察Police Officer、消防員Firefighter、藝術家Artist、園丁Gardener


鍬形蟲Stag beetle、蛾Moth、毛毛蟲Caterpillar、螳螂Praying mantis、蜜蜂Bee、蜘蛛Spider、螢火蟲Firefly、螞蟻Ant




*Flowers & Trees:
茉莉花Jasmine、茶花Camellia、梅花Plum blossom、蘭花Orchid、海芋Calla lily、櫻花Cherry blossom、楓樹Maple、松樹Pine

Flowers & Trees

射箭Archery、羽球Badminton、高爾夫Golf、體操Gymnastics、柔道Judo、桌球Table Tennis、跆拳道 Taekwondo、舉重Weightlifting


*Daily necessities:

Daily necessities

蛋糕cake、麵包bread 、米飯rice、果汁juice、餅乾cookie、布丁pudding、沙拉salad、冰淇淋ice cream


捷運站metro station、遊樂場playground、公園park、麵包店bakery、學校school、醫院hospital、圖書館library、超市supermarket


拼圖puzzle、風箏kite、球ball、積木blocks、音樂盒music box、娃娃doll、跳繩jump rope、玩具車toy car


