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• Emergency Exit

Location: In high-capacity systems, these are located at the nose and tail of each train, next to the train operator’s cabin.

Use: In case of an emergency, please follow the train operator’s instructions and evacuate the train through the emergency exits and follow the tracks back to the station platform.

High-capacity system Emergency Exit
High-capacity system
Emergency Exit
• Fire Control Equipment

Location: In high-capacity systems, four portable fire extinguishers are distributed at either end of each car. In Wenhu Line, fire extinguishers are place next to the doors at either end of each car.

High-capacity system Fire Control Equipment
High-capacity system
Fire Control Equipment

Wenhu Line system Fire Control Equipment
Wenhu Line
Fire Control Equipment

Wenhu Line Fire Control Equipment
Wenhu Line
Fire Control Equipment

• Emergency Intercom

Location: In high-capacity systems, there are four intercoms, one next to each door of the car. In Wenhu Line, there are two intercoms, one next to the door at each end of the car.

In high-capacity systems:
1. Press red button all the way down and release.
2. Wait for 3 seconds.
3. Stand close to the intercom to speak with train operator.
In Wenhu Line, press down on the intercom button to communicate with staff at the Operation Control Center.

High-capacity system Emergency Intercom
High-capacity system
Emergency Intercom
Wenhu Line Emergency Intercom
Wenhu Line
Emergency Intercom
Wenhu Line Emergency Intercom
Wenhu Line
Emergency Intercom
• Evacuation Handle (Wenhu Line)

Location: Above each door.

Use: In an emergency, follow Operations Control Center's instruction to operate the evacuation handle on the door facing the central aisle.

Note: It is advisable to first use the Emergency Intercom to communicate with the Operation Control Center before opening the doors manually with the Emergency Handle.

Improper use of the Emergency Handle will incur a fine of NT$50,000.

Wenhu Line Evacuation Handle
Wenhu Line
Evacuation Handle
Wenhu Line Evacuation Handle
Wenhu Line
Evacuation Handle
• Emergency Door Open Device (High-capacity systems)

Location: Beside the base of both sides on the exterior of each car.

Use: In an emergency, rotate handle clockwise 90 degrees.

High-capacity system Emergency Door Open Device
High-capacity system
Emergency Door Open Device
• Car Door/Platform Door Hit-And-Reopen Device

All car/platform doors are equipped with a hit-and-reopen device to prevent accidental injury.

High-capacity system Car Door
High-capacity system
Car Door
Wenhu Line Platform Door
Wenhu Line
Platform Door